أنا علي النجار مطور أودوو و مهندس برمجيات وشبكات ومدير نظم
أحب عملي و أؤديه بأمانة وإتقان تام وملتزم جدا بالوقت والتسليم في الموعد المحدد .
حاصل علي دبلومه البرمجه بلغه بايثون
Python Programming – YAT Learning
مطور برمجيات أودو odoo developer خبره أربع سنوات
odoo implementer
يمكنني عمل كل ما تريد علي odoo
حاصل علي شهادات
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
Microsoft Server Virtualization Specialist
Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) Enterprise Administrator
Sophos XG Firewall Administrator
VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi)
وأعمل ايضا
Data Center Engineer
===Activities and achievements in Network and System Administration===
Design and build the company infrastructure (Data center, wireless network, network, servers,)
Deploying operating systems and all other programs.
VMware vSphere esxi and vcenter Admin.
Sophos xg firewall Admin (firewall - vpn - captive portal - traffic filtration -traffic shaping)
Centralized management - all machines.
Domain management (privileges, credentials, group policies, etc.)
Manage company domain names, webhosting, email accounts and vps.
Care of the Company ERP server.
Manage security in the company (antivirus, firewall, updates ,bugfix,etc)
Backup and Storage Management - NAS Storage (qnap-sinology-freenas,) & cloud storage
Network manage (load balance, failover, Vlans,etc.)
Mac os (apple os ) advanced user
Linux advanced user : Ubuntu ,fedora, Debian
Linux Ubuntu Server advanced user with command line
UPS Unit Manage(Smart UPS) : APC , Eaton , Schneider Electric